简介英文 简介用英语怎么说(最新14篇)

时间:2024-05-27 13:09:17


沃尔特·惠特曼简介 篇一

Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman, May 31, 1819 - March 26, 1892) was born in Long Island, New York, a famous American poet, humanist, who created the free body of poetry ), Its representative works are poems ”grass leaves set“.

简介英语例句: 篇二


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The particulars are given in this brochure.


What is life cycle assessment?


A newspaper published profiles of the candidates 'wives.


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The electrical design of fire protection for high and large space& brief introduction of fire alarm system design for Shanxi Provincial Library


Content abstract: beatrice's goat is a heartwarming reminder that families, wherever they live, can change their lives for the better.


You can start with the synopsis.


Bill may have saved everyone, but according to the official synopsis of the episode, he learns that salvation comes at a price.


According to the episode synopsis, the Season 5 finale will see Daryl in trouble while out and about, and the rest of the group struggling to fit in at Alexandria, the camp that new character Aaron brought them to in Sunday's The Distance.


Instead, brief introductions will be made via this article followed by information to help you go experience these features firsthand via Apache ' s OpenJPA project.


Content abstract: it's hot, so Maisy and Tallulah get out the wading pool.but wait, it has a leak! What will they do?


He had a lot to explain, and no time for more than a short meeting. Thus a lengthy briefing had to be telescoped into half an hour.

关于简介的英文翻译简短 篇三















2010年12月,北京共青团团市委、北京市学联民办高校团建经验报告会做经验介绍; 2011年1月,全国共青团“建功十二五”工作部署会议,专题发言



海伦·凯勒人物贡献 篇四

Helen Keller is committed to socialism, from her special experience as a disability, and her sympathy for other disabled people. At first, she simplified the alphabet to make it suitable for people with disabilities; but she soon realized that a simple solution to the problem of blindness was a temporary solution. Through the study she found that blind people are not randomly distributed in a variety of people, but concentrated in the bottom of society. The poor are more likely to be blind due to production accidents or lack of adequate treatment. Some poor people become prostitutes, the addition of a syphilis caused by the risk of blindness. Thus, Keller recognized that the social class system controls the fate of a person's life, and sometimes even decide whether they will be blind. Keller 's study is not a zaiban: “I visited the candy shop, factory, shantytown, and even if I could not see it, I heard it.

Helen Keller as a socialist, started in 1909. In 1909, she joined the Massachusetts Social Party. As early as before graduating from Radcliffe College, she was a social activist. She himself stressed that this was not due to any education received there. After the outbreak of the Russian revolution, she praised the new communist country, ”In the East, a rising star! In the painful struggle, the new order was born from the old order.“ In the east, The baby was born! Comrades, Qi forward! Run to the campfire in Russia! Welcome to the dawn! ”Keller hung a red flag at the top of her desk. “Later, she gradually became the left wing of the Socialist Party and became a member of Wobbly, the World Federation of Industrial Workers, a coalition of syndicalists persecuted by Woodrow Wilson.

When Keller became a socialist, she was a famous woman of the world. But she soon became discredited, because of the shift to socialism, which led to a new public opinion storm. Those who once praised her courage and wisdom of the newspaper, instead of emphasizing her disability. Columnists have accused her of having no independent sensory acceptance and are subject to those who instilled in her thoughts. The most typical is the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle. He wrote that Keller's ”error stems from the obvious defects of her physical development.“

Keller recalls that she had seen the editor. I was embarrassed, but now that I stand up to support socialism, he reminds me and the public that I am a deaf and blind person who is particularly error-prone. Probably, since I had seen him, my brain was shrinking. ”She went on to say:“ Oh, ”the Brooklyn Eagle“ is too funny, it is deaf and blind on social issues, it maintains a difficult We are trying to prevent blindness, and this system is the root cause of most blind deafness.

Keller's second generation is largely committed to raising funds for the American Blind Foundation, and she believes that our society needs a radical change that has never been shaken. She supported the socialist presidential campaign of Eugene V Debbs. She also published articles on women's movement, politics and economy. In his later years, she wrote to the American Communist Party leader, Elizabeth G. Flynn, who was the victim of the McCarthy era, who was in prison during the years: ”Dear Elizabeth Flynn, the best birthday Blessing! Willing to serve the good feelings of mankind for your fearless mind to bring strength and tranquility!

曹雪芹简介 篇五

Cao Xueqin (about May 17, 1715 - February 12, 1763), the name of dip, the word dream Nguyen, No. snow celery, and the number of celery, celery, Chinese classical ”Dream of Red Mansions“ author, native of Shenyang (a Said Liaoyang), was born in Nanjing, about 13 years old moved back to Beijing. Cao Xueqin was born in the Qing Dynasty House House is white flag coating family, he is Jiangning weaving Cao Yin's Sun, Cao Yong's son (one said Cao Zi son).

Cao Xueqin early years in Nanjing Jiangning weaving house witnessed a Jin Yi Wan Ku, rich romantic life. To Yongzheng six years (1728), Cao was guilty of being guilty of a crime, Cao Xueqin moved back to Beijing with his family. And later moved to the western suburbs of Beijing, by selling calligraphy and friends relief for a living Cao Xueqin plain release, hobbies widely, on the stone, poetry and literature, painting, garden, Chinese medicine, weaving, technology, diet, etc. have been studied. He persevered in perseverance, after years of hardships, and finally create a very ideological, artistic great works - ”Dream of Red Mansions.“

推荐个人简介英文 篇六


ge公司拥有309亿美元的资产,年销售额达405亿美元,利润29亿美元。业务涉及通讯、家用电器、电子、医疗设备、工程塑料、航空航天、动力发电等领域。ge公司为了牢牢抓住他那巨大产业的所有权,有名有实,充分利用了公司 审计部。ge为其公司审计部规定了在美国独一无二的目标——“超越账本,深入业务”,在检查和改善下属单位的经营状况、保证投资效果符合公司总战略目标,培养一代企业领袖方面开创了成功的范例。

ge对其所属企业的所有权集中体现是:各企业必须将其所获全部利润如数上缴公司总部,即全公司实行统一核算。公司为保证这一目标的实现,紧紧抓住下属企业负责人的任免权和公司资金的运用权,特别是投资和数量这两个关键性问 题。对下属企业经营状况的好坏及其投资效果优劣成败的稽核、监督,一个重要途径就是:靠公司审计部。

ge实行四级审计。最基层是下属企业财务部门自身的审计,重点审查自身经营情况以及财务活动是否符合总公司规定和政府有关法令;其次是公司审计,这是ge审计特色所在;第三级是注册会计公司的审计,按照美国法律规定,这是 必不可少的,否则公司的财务报告得不到政府和公众的承认;最后是政府审计机关在认为有必要进行复审时进行审计。后两级主要着眼于税收与政府法令是否得到遵守。

概括地说,ge公司审计部工作是发现问题、分析问题和解决问题。他们从查账入手,但决不止于单纯查账,而是用更多的时间和精力去研究业务处理功能, 包括处理流程和有关策略和措施。对于风险大,利益也大的方面尤其注意。ge 的审计人员担负帮助公司决策层和管理层制订战略、改进营销方法,加强日常业务工作,最终提高公司整体营利能力的重任。他们信奉这样一种哲学:“任何事物都不可能完美无缺,我们的使命是追求完美”。ge公司审计部一共90人,绝大部分是年轻人。其中大约80%的人有财会方面的学历;15%有工程、制造、管理等方面的学校背景;5%是搞信息系统的。公司每年从几百个报名者中心精心挑选40名左右的人进入审计部,同时输送同样数量的人去充实ge各业务部的管理干部队伍。ge现有的副总裁中有13个出身审计,有 11个经理级人员有审计经历。整个ge中级以上财会管理人员中,有60-70%是由公司审计部输送的。每年离开审计部的人员中,约40%可直接提升为中级以上管理人员。

公司从这些审计人员中得到的好处是:从短期而言,每个新的审计小组 长会带来能量、创造力、新思想的冲动;从长期而言,可以培养出一批经验丰 富的企业家。至于通过审计解决经营中的问题或隐患,改善管理带来的实际利 益,则是不言而喻的。审计人员可以通过他们转战全国(甚至到海外机构)的紧张工作中享受奋斗的乐趣,最快最有效地了解该公司业务和学会各种担负相当 责任的经理们才需要的才干,获得最快的提升。因而他们对连续的彻夜不眠, 一家人天各一方并不抱怨。按照ge负责审计的副总裁卡雷的说法,公司审计部的使命是要培养企业家、企业领袖。ge的高级领导把人才的培养提高到令我们 吃惊和费解的程度,其深刻内涵值得中国企业家们深思。

在审计工作开始时,审计小组要做的工作是了解和研究情况,倾听其他有经验 的成员

的各种想法建议。他们形象地把这种调查研究称之为对自己大脑的一次 知识和概念的“轰炸”,在此之后再确定本审计的目标。

在审计中,审计小组对整个审计工作负有全权,召开各种调查会,进行个别谈 话,收集情况和资料,为实现审计目标,他们可以做他们认为需要做的任何工 作,目的是要找出一个比各种单项措施单独实施后所得效果之和还要好的解决 方案。而且他们总是要把方案变成一种日常工作,具体落实后才肯罢手,以便 在他们离开之后能坚持下去。在这一过程中,审计小组要与被审计部门的领导 和业务人员打无数交道。他们实际上在想总经理所设想的问题,行总经理所行之事。他们在短短几年审计工作中的所见所闻,所想所为,往往比他人一辈子 事业生涯中所遇到的,所做得还要多。


第一,审计部选人严格,他们不过多考虑审计人员原先所学的专业,而注重人的素质和才能,他们要求每个新人能给审计部门带来他人所没有的或无法做到 的新贡献、新思想。尽管审计工作艰苦,但对个人事业上的发展和职务上的提 拔,则有着巨大的吸引力,因而使审计部有足够的挑选余地。



第四,审计安排独具匠心。平均每三个月审计人员便接受一项新的使命,每次都是不同的审计对象,不同的组成人员,不同类型的企业问题,审计人员互相吸收营养,见多识广,观察敏锐,往往在对比中就能发现问题。在研究解决方 案时,自然又会将其它审计对象的好经验融入方案和实施办法,起了传播先进经验的作用,可谓一箭多雕。


第六,问题常常不是由审计人员所发现的,他们只是弄清了问题的真相,解决办法也常常不是审计人员所发明的,他们只是发现了那些早就存在,但因某种束缚而未能实施的好方法,并促使其变为现实,审计人员起的是催化剂的作 用。

第七,公司审计特别强调集中配合、协作精神。他们把审计小组看作是被审单位的经理和雇员并肩工作的大团队的一员,而他们每个人又是审计小组这个小 团队的集体的一员,工作成果远远胜过每个个体单位作用的总和。

ge审计部既然把培养领袖看成是他们的首要目标,自然在工作上对审计人员作了精心妥当的安排,而且在每个人工作满一年后给予既严格又民主的考核。考核的评语当然由上司做,但都与本人见面。ge审计人员确实象他们引为骄傲的 那样,是ge的精英。他们几乎个个精力充沛,富有进取心,有潜力,开朗,细心,平易近人,高度自觉,事业心极高。


关于简介的英文翻译简短 篇七






我们有一批专业化的明星教练,所有教练均获得fisaf(国际健身认证培训)、les mills(莱美运动教练培训)、ihfi(私人教练培训)的权威认证和培训,在国内各种健身操大赛中屡获大奖。














个人简介英语 篇八


Personal Information:

Name: Hu xiao-lu Sex: Male

Date of Birth: Dec. 28th, 1989 Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.China

Health: Good

P.R.China 617000

Tel: +86 (MP) ,

E-mail: Marital Status: Unmarried Address: College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua.


Exploitation on teaching, management or research in university or academy;

Education: 20xx.9――20xx.6 Sichuan University Bachelor in Biology chemical engineering

Practice Experiences:

1997.7――20xx.9 Panzhihua University Teacher as instructor in chemical engineering

department, engaging in courses teaching, experimental teaching and thesis instructing, etc.

20xx.9――20xx.10 Participate in many projects and designs, have four-year experiences

Summary of Abilities:

Be familiar with basic knowledge and principle of metallurgical engineering and chemical

engineering, and be skillful in using Microsoft Office, Origin, Jade, XRD, GC, particle size

analyzer software and instruments, etc.

Be accomplished in science research and design.

Passed CET-4 and CET-6, fluent in English (reading/writing/listening/speaking), especially in

special English on chemical engineering and process.


Sureness, honest, able-minded, laborious, could cooperate with others well, have strong ability of


Project List:

Synthesis Mechanism and Properties of TiO2 with Ordered Mesoporous Structure through Titanium

Sulfate Hydrolysis Process Induced by Supermolecular Template (Chinese Natural National

Foundation, 50474071)

Preparation of nanometer titania via crystal aberration in high density ultrasonic field and thermal

decomposition (Chinese Natural National Foundation, 50274056)

Preparation of lithium ion rechargeable battery using cobalt instead of manganese (Sichuan

province basic application foundation, 02GY029-031)

Preparation of No. II preservative agent of Mango (Panzhihua importance science & technology

tackle key problem foundation, 20xx1-21 )

Basic academic study of SO42-,Cl- on deposition and crystallization of nickel

carbonate (Jinchuan aggregative Co. Ltd. (Sichuan University, 04H433) )

Preparation of sub-micronmeter high purity orbicular nickel powder (Jinchuan aggregative Co.

推荐个人简介英文 篇九


一九八八年宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了宝洁投资于中国市场的历程。为了积极参与中国市场经济的建设与发展,宝洁公司已陆续在广州、北京、成都、天津等地设有十余家合资、独资企业。宝洁公司大中华区总部及主要生产基地均设在广州。迄今为止,宝洁公司在中国的投资额已达10亿美元以上。 十四年来,宝洁公司一贯奉行“生产和提供世界一流的产品,以美化消费者的生活”的企业宗旨,在华生产出了众多质量一流、家喻户晓的产品,其中包括洗发护发产品,洗涤用品,妇女卫生用品及口腔保健用品等。自一九九三年起,宝洁公司连续八年成为全国轻工行业向国家上缴税额最多的企业。仅去年一年,宝洁公司通过广东省向国家上缴的税收就达15亿8千万元,雄居广东省利税榜首。






1980年,宝洁已发展成为全美最大的跨国公司之一。通过收购norwich eaton制药公司(1982),rechardson-vicks公司(1985),公司活跃于个人保健用品行业;通过80年代末,90年代初收购了noxell,max factor,ellen betrix公司,宝洁在化妆品和香料行业扮演着重要角色。这些收购项目也加快了宝洁全球化的进程。为了充分发挥跨国公司的优势,宝洁建立了全球性的研究开发网络,研究中心遍布美国、欧洲、日本、拉美等地。宝洁的帮宝适、护舒宝、潘婷、汰渍、碧浪、佳洁士、vicks和玉兰油等成为全球知名的品牌,是市场上的佼佼者。


1988年宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业--广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了宝洁投资中国市场的历程。目前,宝洁公司已陆续在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津等地设有十几家合资、独资企业。宝洁在华投资总额已逾10亿美元,拥有约4000名员工。 宝洁公司一直崇尚消费者至上的原则,在中国也不例外。为了深入了解中国消费者,宝洁公司在中国建立了完善的市场调研系统。开展消费者追踪并尝试与消费者建立持久的沟通关系。宝洁公司在中国的市场研究部建立了庞大的数据库,把消费者意见及时分析、反馈给生产部门,以生产出更适合中国消费者使用的产品。

宝洁公司在中国获得巨大发展的同时也造就了一大批高素质的本地人才。公司把人才的现代化本地化作为公司发展的重要策略,公司高度重视人才培养关心每个员工的成长并提供独具特色的培训计划,使每个员工的潜能得到最大限度的发挥。公司的目标是尽快实现员工本地化,计划在不远的将来,逐渐由国内员工取代外籍人员担当公司的高级领导职位。 在争取尽早实现原材料本地化的进程中,宝洁公司积极帮助中国吸引外资,加速原材料工业的发展。在宝洁的影响下,已有众多国际原材料供应商来华投资,宝洁与罗纳普朗克公司的合作就是其中的一例。宝洁公司每年在国内市场所购原材料已超过45亿人民币。 在中国的市场经济改革中,宝洁公司与国家政府部门合作,先后为国营企业管理人员多次举办了全面质量管理及广告经营策略的培训。


途径。 使用效果:含专业ppt多肽水



olay的诞生源于意外。二战时,一位军医精制了一种治疗灼伤的药,军医太太误当作乳液使用,没想到几个月后皮肤竟然变得有弹性,皱纹也减少了,olay保养品便诞生了。 这位杰出的化学家就是graham wulff,一直致力于护肤方面的研究。终于他调配出一种可以恢复滋润、保湿、保护皮肤,而且在使用后十分钟内就会让皮肤看起来柔嫩而不泛油光的产品,这就是第一款olay的产品——olay滋润霜,从此开启了这个品牌超过半世纪的美丽传奇。






蕴含2倍*维他命原, 精准修护秀发损伤


推荐个人简介英文 篇十


同时,为了更好的服务于电力安全工器具,电力测试设备仪器和消防器材 防汛器材等终端用户,辰润安防器材销售中心又在全国同行业中推行“盛情服务准则”










贝克汉姆英文简介 篇十一


David Beckham (David Beckham), May 2, 1975 was born in London, London, Dayton Stone, former British professional football player, midfielder.

David Beckham youth in Manchester United fame, , 20xx twice won the World Soccer Player Silver Award, in 1999 was elected UEFA Player of the Year, in 20xx was named the best British athletes, in 20xx BBC Lifetime Achievement Award.

David Beckham played for a total of Manchester United, Preston, Real Madrid, Los Angeles Galaxy, AC Milan and Paris Saint Germain 6 clubs, get a Champions League, a Toyota Cup, 6 Premier League trophy, 2 The first time the FA Cup, 4 charity shield, 1 times La Liga championship, a Spanish Super Cup, 2 US Major League finals champion, 1 French champion.

On May 16, 20xx, David Beckham issued a notice through the official website of the FA, announced that he will be officially retired after the end of the season. Beckham - 20xx on behalf of the England team played 115 times, scored 17 goals, of which 58 served as the captain of the three lions.


David Beckham was born in the East End of London, his father Edward was a chef and his mother Sandra West was a beautician. As a child, Beckham participated in the Bobby Charlton football school. Once again in the street football game, Beckham won the first place and won a chance to go to Barcelona to attend the training session. 7 years old, joined the father of the amateur team coach Reid Weaverworth team. At the elementary school, on behalf of Ridderv Rangers, won the “Feifeid” 5-a-side football championship.

At the age of 11, joined Walterham under the age of 12 juvenile team. Was the Manchester United scouting Malcolm Feygien phase; on behalf of Essex middle school; to the identity of outstanding students into the Tottenham Hotspur training. At the age of 13, Beckham received the invitation of Manchester United club.

In 1988, Charlton hosted the football school in the stand out, was named the school's most promising students.

July 8, 1991 to join the Manchester United youth team began training.

January 22, 1993, officially became a professional football player. November 7, 1994, in the Champions League against Turkey Galatasaray in the game, Beckham finally scored his first goal in Manchester United team. In 1995, in the first game leased to Preston, Beckham scored a free kick with a free kick. After returning to Manchester United, Beckham has his first stable number in Manchester United, No. 24.

April 2, 1995, for the first time on behalf of the Manchester United to play the game, the opponent is Leeds United, when the jersey number 19 (later most of the time wearing No. 7 jersey). August 19, Manchester United against Aston Villa in the game, he missed a long shot, scored himself for Manchester United scored the first Premiership goal.

In 1996, in the British FA Cup semi-final against the Chelsea team, Manchester United scored a winning goal, from the establishment of his main position in Manchester United. For the first time in the 1996 season, he joined the English Premier League and worked with his teammates to win the Manchester United Super League title. August 17, he Manchester United against Wimbledon in the game, from the midfield near a 60 meters away from the long-range long-range long-range success, shocked four. His goal in by the senior football star selected the history of the most exciting three goals in the first three. On September 1, he played for England for the first time in a match against Moldova. In this year, he won the Super League August Player of the Year, “Sky Sports / Panasonic” Best Newcomer Award, League Champion and FA Cup.

In , he won the league title, the best newcomer of the year and the Matt Bassby Award.

In 1998, in the French World Cup 1 8 final England in Argentina during a war, he was kicked in the second half was kicked off, resulting in England team to 10 people fight 11 people, the final penalty defeat. After the game, he was strongly condemned by the domestic public opinion, into a low tide of life, and Victoria's wedding was forced to postpone.

April 25, 1999, selected by the England Association of Professional Athletes selected 1998-1999 season England Premier League best team. May 16, with teammates, Manchester United won the 1998-1999 season, the British Premier League championship. May 23, and teammates, Manchester United won the 1999 FA Cup champion, toward the Triple Crown forward. May 26, as the midfielder, with their outstanding performance to help Manchester United in Barcelona beat the belligerent Bayern Munich team, won the 1999 European club championship champion, won the Triple Crown. October, due to participate in the Champions League game to London to attend the party, the club stopped two weeks wages. And then repeatedly eat yellow card, was summoned by the British Football Informal talks. November 30, together with his teammates to Manchester United won the Toyota Cup championship. In December, was selected for the 1999 European All-Star team. In the same year, he was nominated by Mr. European Footballer (second vote).

In January 20xx in the FIFA World Cup player named in the second. In June, England was selected to participate in the 11th European Football Championship, he was in the group stage against the German team in a record of accurate long pass for Hiller header to break, and ultimately beat the opponent made credit. European Championships in England and Portugal after the game, a handful of fans because of dissatisfaction with England, and in the exit when the players abuse, Beckham was so angry, made a vertical middle finger action, but escaped the sanctions. This year, he and his teammates, Manchester United won the 1999-20xx season, the British Premier League championship. November 15, before England's game against the Italian team, the national team temporary coach Peter. Taylor appointed him as captain. He also won the 20xx English footballer.

In February 20xx in the game against Spain, the national team new coach Sven Golan. Eriksson reappointed Beckham as captain of the national team. England won the game at 3-0. April 15, Manchester United ahead of five rounds of the 20xx-20xx season, the British Premier League championship, to achieve a three consecutive championship; Manchester United in the last 9 years 7 degrees king. In July, became the cover of the first cover of the magazine's characters. He also won the 20xx-20xx season Western Union most valuable player. In September, Beckham as captain of the England team in the World Cup qualifier, in Munich to 5: 1 away victory over Germany. October in the World Cup qualifier against the Greek team injury time, with a free kick to save the team to help England and opponents draw 2: 2, and made the World Cup final stage of the competition. He was also elected in October as the BBC Sports Individual Individual Award. This year, he won the annual UK best player, World Player nomination (second vote) and European Footballer nomination (fourth vote), and selected UEFA annual team.

In April 20xx in the Champions League 1 4 final against the La Coruna team game, he was Argentine player Ducher kicked, resulting in the left foot of the second phalanx fracture, almost unable to participate in the World Cup. And later in a car accident survived May 9, by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair's visit. May 10, by the British Queen's interview. On May the last day of the league season, the club was renewed with the Manchester United club until June 20xx. In June, became the first male manuscript of “Marie Clare” magazine. 6 months of leg injury in time to recover, with the national team participated in the World Cup, and in the group stage against Argentina's game into a penalty, to help England 1: 0 victory over 1998 had to kill their own red card opponents. In the 1 4 final, England lost to Brazil.

February 20xx in the FA Cup fifth round Manchester United was Arsenal team eliminated, in the lounge was kicked by coach Alex Alex Ferguson shoes hit face. April in the league against Arsenal's key game and the Champions League against Real Madrid's 1 4 final, became a substitute. Real Madrid in the second round of the game to the first 64 minutes when the bench to play, then two goals to help Manchester United 4: 3 win, but the team is still 5: 6 total score was eliminated. May 21, received by Nelson Mandela. May in Durban and South African team in the friendly match in the hand bone injury, is expected to play plaster six to eight weeks. England won 2: 1 in that game. June 10, Manchester United said, has been running for the club president of Barcelona Hoan. La Pota had talks. June 14 was awarded by the Queen Elizabeth to the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) award. June 17 Manchester United club announced that Beckham to 35 million euros to the price of Real Madrid team. July 1, joined the Spanish Real Madrid team. In July, with Real Madrid to Asia (including China) to do publicity and pre-training. August 28 at 3:45 am (Spain local time 21:45), in the Spanish Super Cup second round of the race, with Raul, Ronaldo and Beckham's goal, Real Madrid home 3 to 0 victory over Mallorca , To 4: 2 total score to win the Super Bowl. He was also selected in this year's UEFA annual team.

In June 20xx, led by the captain of England to set off the European Cup, into the quarterfinals.

In July 20xx, with the Real Madrid to do publicity and do pre-competition training.

June 10, 20xx, led by the captain of England to set off the World Cup. Group match opener Paraguay, his free kick forced Gamara into the goal, England to 1-0 win the first battle. June 16, against Trinidad and Tobago Jiugong no less, but also the Bayesian arc pass assists Crouch to break the deadlock. June 25, with a free kick lore Ecuador, directly to England into the quarterfinals. At this point, Beckham three times for England brought three victories. At the same time, he also became England's first in the history of the three World Cup goals have players. July 1, against the Portuguese England penalty penalty was eliminated, Beckham failed to play the audience. On July 2, he resigned from England.

In January 20xx, Beckham decided not to renew Real Madrid, announced that he will join the US Major League after the end of the season. January 16, Real Madrid coach Capello immediately on the Beckham issued a “ban order”: Beckham in the future only with the team training, will not represent Real Madrid to participate in any game. February 11 at 3:00, the 20xx-20xx season, the Spanish Football League 22nd round of a focus war in the Arnotta Stadium to compete for the final Real Madrid away 2: 1 Lectra royal society, comeback Beckham scored Kill, help Real Madrid finish losing streak. April 20, Real Madrid home 2-1 victory over Valencia game, Beckham returned to Real Madrid lineup, he played in the second half of the game after the bench, the team scored the winning goal for the assists. June 17, Beckham in Real Madrid 3: 1 victory over Mallorca starting, and won the La Liga champion, the campaign Beckham in the 66th minute Reyes replaced, this is Beckham in Real Madrid's last game. July 13, joined the Los Angeles Galaxy, the United States occupation league football league's latest member.

March 26, 20xx, Beckham on behalf of England played 100 times, becoming the British team history, the first five into the field of Hall of Fame players. May 24, Beckham's effectiveness of the Los Angeles Galaxy in the US Major League game against the Kansas Wizards, the stoppage time, 70 yards away from the goal scored a long-range goal. On July 16th, Beckham won the annual ESPN Award for Excellencein Sports Performance Year. Beckham was also selected as one of the 20xx London Olympic Games ambassador, August 24 evening Beijing Olympic Games closing ceremony “London 8 minutes” to the global invitation. December 20, Beckham officially signed with Milan, will be in the 20xx-20xx season rented in Milan.

February 13, 20xx, Beckham on behalf of England on behalf of the first 108 appearances, together with Moore, tied for England in the history of the old goalkeeper Hilton after playing the second number of players. March 8, AC Milan club official statement, football player Beckham will be in the June 30, 20xx has been to stay in the team.

October 15, 20xx, the World Cup European qualifying F group for the last game, England in New Wembley Stadium against Belarus. The first half of the opening soon high guy Crouch on the front Qiangdian break, the second half Beckham assists Wright - Phillips score, then Crouch scored twice, England 3-0 victory over Belarus. This is the 115th appearance of Beckham on behalf of the England team, but also his last game in the national team.

March 11, 20xx, the Champions League 1/8 final, Milan guest Old Trafford challenge Manchester United, Beckham once again returned to Old Trafford, the second half when he played off the audience by the audience cheering. 7 years later, Manchester United fans with practical action to tell David, he is still the old Trafford children. March 15, AC Milan 1-0 victory over Chievo, but also to pay a heavy price, after the initial diagnosis, Beckham left leg Achilles tendon rupture, will rest 5 to 6 months, he will completely miss South Africa World Cup.

April 29, 20xx, London, England, Beckham with his wife Victoria and three children appeared in Westminster Abbey, to participate in Prince William's wedding. On May 4, Samsung Electronics announced that it had signed an exclusive agreement with David Beckham as the global brand ambassador for the 20xx London Olympics. November 20, 20xx, the US House Cup finals (MLS CUP) started in Los Angeles, Western League champion Los Angeles Galaxy sits in the town of Carson's family department center stadium against the Eastern League champions Houston Dynamo. Ultimately, with Donovan's only goal, the Galaxy home win 1-0 victory over the opponent. This is also Beckham 5 years career won the first finals champion.

December 2, 20xx, the US Major League Finals in Los Angeles war, Beckham last time on behalf of the Los Angeles Galaxy team appearance, the results help the team 3-1 successfully reversed Houston Dynamo, to achieve the two consecutive league, Beckham is also the perfect way to complete his own American football career.

February 1, 20xx, David Beckham family attended the “The class of 92” at the premiere. February 25 morning, Beckham in Paris Saint-Germain staged his first show of France. 76 minutes, Beckham replaced Pastore appearance, and instigated the attack to help Ibrahimovic scored a goal to seal the victory, the final Paris Saint Germain 2: 0 victory over Marseille. Beckham became the oldest non-goalkeeper in France since May 20xx and the 27th appearance of the French history. Big Luo invited to kick the game for the game. At 6:00 on April 6th. The second half of the stoppage period of the first 3 minutes, Ibrahimovic counterattack, Pastore restricted the front row of the ball, Beckham on the right side of the offside off the foot of the foot flying to the far corner, Ibrahimovic to follow the ball into the door. Paris 2-0 win, which is Beckham joined Paris's first assists. May 16 evening, the FA official announced that Beckham will be officially retired after the end of the season.

June 20xx, Beckham guest CCTV program “talk about friends.” November 6, Beckham, accompanied by Ma Yun visited the company.

November 18, 20xx, Beckham by the United States “people”

Magazine named the world's most sexy men in 20xx.

In January 20xx, Beckham nominated GQ “Top Ten will wear” singular list, ranked No. 4.


In the lens, the brand value of the advertiser, in the eyes of the adult heart, Beckham is the most star in the play, or play the most valuable, or will make money in the most promising And he himself is always living in the darling of the temperature. Beckham's popularity in the UK is as big as Michael Jordan's popularity in the United States, and their popularity on a global scale can be matched with each other. Since Beckham on the football field cut a striking figure, especially as the girlfriend of the day of Spice Girls, he has no longer like ordinary people as freely in the street wandering. He became living in the spotlight under the characters, every move is to become the focus of attention.

李世民英文简介 篇十二


Tang Taizong Li Shimin (January 28, 598 [a said 599 January 23] - AD 649 July 10), native of Longxi Cheng Ji, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan and sinus Queen's second son, the Tang Dynasty Two emperors, distinguished politicians, strategists, military strategists, poets.

Li Shimin juvenile army, went to Yanmen off to save the Emperor. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin official residence Shangshu order, right Wuhou big general, by the closure of Qin Guogong, after the seal for the Qin Wang, has led his troops to settle the Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shicong and other warlords, in the Tang Dynasty to establish and unify the process Neutral under the illustrious military exploits.

AD 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June fourth day), Li Shimin launched Xuanwu Men of change, to kill his brother Prince Li Jiancheng, four brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji and two sons, was established Prince, Tang Gao Zu Li Yuan soon abdicated, Li Shimin ascended the throne, change Yuan Zhenguan.

Li Shimin after the emperor, and actively listen to the views of the ministers, to the text of the rule of the world, modesty remonstrance, the implementation of conservation, to persuade farmers mulberry, so that people can recuperate, peace and prosperity, and created a famous Chinese history of Zhenguan governance. To open up the territory of the extension of the earth, attack the East Turkic and Xue Yantuo, conquered Gaochang, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, hit Goguryeo, the establishment of Anxi four towns, the people get along well, by the people of all ethnic groups known as the days of Khan, later Tang Dynasty Years of prosperity to lay an important foundation.

On July 10, 649 AD, the Li Shimin died in the windy temple at the age of twenty-three years, the temple was Taizong and was buried in Zhaoling. The Li Shimin love literature and calligraphy, there are ink handed down.


Early experience

Li Shimin in the year 598 (Sui Wendi emperor seventeen years) lunar calendar in December Wu Wu day (one that 599 AD, open emperor eighteen years in December Wu days), was born in the martial arts of the House Museum, Father is then the Sui Dynasty officials of the Li Yuan, the mother is the Northern Zhou Dynasty tribe. Li Shimin 4 years old, the family came to a self-proclaimed scholar, his father Li Yuan said: “When you see Li Shimin, the scholar actually said:” Longfeng posture, The day of the table, until the age of twenty, will be able to help the world. “Li Yuan will be” Ji Shi An Min “for the son named” the world “. Childhood Li Shimin smart decisive, informal, to accept Confucian education, learning martial arts, good riding and shooting.

AD 613 (Emperor of the great cause of nine years), Li Shimin married Gao Xilian's nephew Sun's wife. AD 615 years (great cause eleven years), Li Shimin to participate in the cloud of Xingxing army, go to Yanmen off the rescue by the Turks siege of the Emperor.

AD 616 years (great cause of twelve years), his father Li Yuan as Jinyang left behind, Li Shimin followed to Taiyuan and his father several times set off, flat service occurred in this province of Shanxi rebellion and the invasion of the East Turkic invasion.

Jinyang uprising

AD 617 (Yining first year), Li Shimin encouraged his father Li Yuan uprising, is for the Jinyang troops. Li Yuanfeng Li Shimin for the Dunhuang County public, right collar military governor, commander of the right army, troops attack Chang'an, and destroy the Sui. Li Shimin official worship Guanglu doctor, Tang history, resettlement Qin Guogong, food business million households.

AD 617 (Yining first year) Lunar New Year in December, Li Shimin for the right marshal, resettlement Zhao Guogong, led troops to attack the Sui Dynasty in the east of Luoyang, not yet, three-way ambush in the three tombs, beat Sui will reach. AD 618 (the first year of the military) lunar calendar in May, Li Yuan deposed Yang Yoo, emperor, change the country for the Tang, Feng Li Shimin for the Shangshu order, right Yiwei general, into the seal king.

Quartet war

After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the territory is limited to Guanzhong and Hedong area, has not yet fully ruled the country, therefore, Li Shimin often set off, and gradually eliminate the separatist forces around. Since AD 618 (the first year of the military), Li Shimin personally involved in four major campaigns.

First, broken Xueju, Sham Shui Po of the war put aside Longxi Xue Ren Gao (Xue Ju's son), the eradication of the Tang Dynasty from the Western threat.

Second, beat Song Jinang, Liu Wu Zhou, recovered, and lost territory, to consolidate the north of the Tang Dynasty.

Third, in the war of war, in one fell swoop to annihilate the two separatist elements of the Central Plains: Henan Wang Shicheng and Hebei Doujian De Group, so that the Tang dynasty made control of North China.

Fourth, the creation of Dou Jiande Yu Liu and black Liu and Huang Yuan Lang.

Since then Li Shimin prestige day, especially in the war after the war of duty after returning to Beijing, Changan military and civilian by the grand welcome. AD 621 (Wende four years) lunar calendar in October, sealed for the day policy will be, lead singer, Shaanxi Road, Tai Tai Tai Shangshu order, located in the princes, the food increased to thirty thousand households. Li Yuan and then under the licensing of the days of the government set up their own official, Li Shimin opened a literary museum, received the Quartet Yan Shi admitted to the consultant, the museum and the Qin government combined, as if the formation of a small government agencies.

Basaltic change

Taiyuan troops is Li Shimin's strategy, Li Yuan has promised him as a matter after he was Prince, but Li Yuan established after the Tang Dynasty, Li Jiancheng as Prince. After the world put down, Li Shimin fame, Li Jiancheng Li Yuanji then combined, exclusion Li Shimin. Li Yuan's indecisive, but also to confrontation between the DPRK and China, to accelerate the philosophers of the soldiers meet each other.

Long brother and his wife Li Jiancheng Li Shimin know that Li Shimin finally refused to mercy, and Li Shimin also think that he laid the foundation of the Tang Dynasty founding, then with Li Jiancheng, four younger brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji suspicion deep, between the two factions between each other. Li Jiancheng had poisoned Li Shimin. Which prime minister Pei silence, counselor Wang Gui, Wei Zheng, East Palace Guardian General Xue Wancai follow Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji.

Qin government counselor Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, generals Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde, Duan Zhixuan, Hou Junji, Wang Junlu and other follow Li Shimin. Prime Minister Chen Shouda, courtiers Sun Wuji and so secretly support Li Shimin. The remaining generals Li Jing, Xu Shi plot, Minister Yu Wen Shi and so remain neutral.

AD 626 (Wu De nine years), the Turkic invasion of the Tang border, Li Jiancheng to Li Yuan suggested that by Li Yuanji commander expedition to the Turks. In the East Palace of Prince Edward as the rate of more Cheng (in charge of the officials of the official) Wang Wang, has been Wang Li Shimin bought, as Li Shimin in the East Palace of the eyeliner, he quietly told Li Shimin: ”Li Jiancheng would like to take control of the king of soldiers and horses, and Ready to set up soldiers in Kunming pool to kill the king. “So Li Shimin decided to pre-emptive.

AD 2 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June the first four days of China), Li Shimin in the imperial city of Chang'an City Miyagi near the Xuanwu Men shooting the Crown Prince Li Jiancheng, Qi Wang Li Yuanji, known as ”Xuanwumen change.“ Later, Li Shimin killed Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji philosophers, and they removed from the membership. Li Yu-yuan was elected to the Crown Prince, under the imperial edict said: ”since the military affairs, regardless of the size of the full appointment of the military, the Ministry of the People's Republic of China, Prince, and then the emperor. “

September 6, 626 AD (Wu De nine years in early August Jiu Jiazi), Li Yuan retreat was called the emperor, Zen in Li Shimin. Li Shimin ascended the throne for the emperor, the following year to change the yuan concept.

Zhenguan of the rule

Due to the war in the Sui and the population dropped sharply, AD 628 (Zhenguan two years), the Tang Dynasty only 2.9 million population, Li Shimin often to death Sui for the ring, pay attention to exhort self-restraint desire, And the economy, the thin Fu is still thrifty, prudent for the government; also committed to the revival of culture and education, so that the turmoil in the Sui Dynasty to stabilize the Bureau of the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, Down.

Li Shimin attaches great importance to the civil service of the Ching Ming, had ordered the village of the province and redundant staff, sent Li Jing and other 13 dismissed ambassador to inspect the country, study wind assessment; and personally selected captaincy, provincial governor and other local officials, and its merits written in the palace On the screen, as the basis for ascension and punishment. Another provision for more than five items of Beijing official rotation value of the book in the province, so that at any time Ting see, ask the people suffering and governance gains and losses, Baiguan then self-reliance, directly improve the efficiency of the government.

In the military, Li Shimin many foreign troops, has put aside the Turks, Xue Yantuo, Huihe, Gaochang, Yanqi, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, etc., by the Tang Dynasty sound Wei broadcast, Quartet.

After 20 years of hard work, social stability, economic recovery and stable development, external martial arts prominent, to the year 652 (Tang Gaozong emperor emblem three years), population reached 3.8 million, lay the Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian , Tang Xuanzong years of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, known as Zhenguan of governance.

Emperor Fan

AD 643 (Zhenguan seventeen years) in April, Prince Li Cheng dry to conspiracy to be abolished, Tang Taizong then his ninth son Jin Wang Li Zhili as Prince, and Prince Edward strict teaching. Li Shimin in his later years, ”Emperor Fan,“ a book to teach Prince Edward Lee governance, summed up his political experience, while self-evaluation merit.

AD 648 (Zhenguan twenty-two years) the first month, Tang Taizong will write his ”Emperor Fan“ twelve awarded to Prince Li Zhi, and told him: ”You should be the ancient sage of the king as a teacher , As I am, it is absolutely impossible to follow, because if you take the law, only only one of them, if the law in the only one can only be the next I have since the base, the fault is a lot: The beads are not in the front, the palace Taiwan perennial rookie, dog horse eagle falcon no far, travel to the Quartet for trouble, all of these are the biggest mistakes I made, do not take me as an example to follow suit.

Died of illness

AD 649 (Zhenguan twenty-three years), Tang Taizong sick (one said to take Tianzhu long raw medicine lead to violence), treatment eventually invalid, life Li governance to Jinye door agent state affairs.

July 10, 649 AD (Zhenguan twenty-three years in May twenty-six has been days), Taizong died in the Zhongnanshan on the Cuiwei Palace containing the wind house. At the beginning of the emperor, the temple Taizong, buried in Zhaoling.

AD 674 years (Tang Gaozong on the first year) plus Shi Wen Wu Sheng emperor, AD 749 years (Tang Xuanzong Tianbao eight years) plus Shi Wenwu Da Sheng emperor, AD 754 years (Tianbao thirteen years)) plus Shi Wenwu Da Sheng Da Guang Filial piety

曹雪芹主要功绩 篇十三

The greatest contribution of Cao Xueqin lies in literary creation. He created the ”Dream of Red Mansions“ large-scale, rigorous structure, complex plot, description of vivid, shaped many of the typical character of the artistic image, called the ancient Chinese novels peak in the history of the world literature occupies an important position. Cao Xueqin for the Chinese nation, for the people of the world left a valuable cultural heritage and spiritual wealth, not only the creation of later writers far-reaching, but also in the painting, film and television, animation, online games and other fields have a large number of outstanding derivative works, academia, society On the ”Dream of Red Mansions“ author, version, text, ability and other aspects of research and talk and even formed a special learning - red school.

莫扎特英文简介 篇十四


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, January 27, 1756 - December 5, 1791), was born in the Holy Roman Empire during the Salzburg. European classical music composer.

In 1760, Mozart began to study composer. From 1763 to 1773, Mozart traveled with his father, Leopold Mozart, in European countries. In 1781, Mozart to Vienna began 10 years of creative career. At 5:51 on December 5, 1791, Mozart died at the age of 35 years old, the cause of death is unknown.

Mozart's important works left all the music types. His symphony, symphony, sonata, serenade, play music later became the main form of classical music.


Life background

On January 27, 1756, Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, a family of court musicians, the origin of Germany, his father Leopold Mozart is the city of the palace of the Catholic Orchestra violinist, is also a Composer; mother Anna Maria Mozette is also keen on music and will pull the cello and violin. Mozart is home to the youngest child ranked seventh.


In 1760, 4-year-old Mozart studied piano with his father Leopold Mozart and began to compose music.

In 1762, 6-year-old Mozart under the leadership of his father to Munich, Vienna, Presburg made a pilot tour.

June 1763 to March 1773, Mozart and his father has to Germany, France, Britain, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries for a period of ten years of travel performances. The show made Mozart know about the most advanced Italian opera, the French opera, the German instrumental music and other genres, but also met JC Bach, GB Martini, GB Samartini and other composers and learn their composition Technology, then the works have shown Mozart creative genre of the extensive and his interest in opera creation.

Gradually mature

At the end of 1773, Mozart returned to Salzburg with his father. Mozart was dissatisfied with his humble slaves, and in the fight for personal and creative freedom, he finally reached the consent of the Archbishop in September 1777 and spent two years traveling with his mother. In order to find a job in order to stay away from Salzburg, he has taught and performed in Munich and Mannheim, and further deepened his understanding and experience of the system of inequality. At Mannheim, he got the help and sympathy of some citizen musicians, and came into contact with the important Mannheim musicians of Europe at that time, hearing the first-class orchestra playing.

In May 1778, Mozart arrived in Paris, due to the death of his mother, plus failed to find a job, so in January 1779 returned to Salzburg. During this period, Mozart created two flute concertoes, an oboe concerto, seven piano violin sonatas and three piano sonatas in Mannheim, which reflected the influence of the Mannheim musicians.

In 1780, Mozart completed the opera “Ido Mein”。 During this period Mozart's work rigorous, in the content reflects the impact of the boom movement at that time, in the form of new elements, such as the sonata of the first movement of the presentation, appeared with the first theme of the second (Or more) themes in the reproduction department, often change the order of the subject appear, sometimes the subject material is also different from the presentation of the processing, in the first and second movement, with a strong intensity of contrast, these practices , Enhanced his dramatic works of drama, so that “classical sonata” to further form.

Vienna period

In June 1781, Mozart could no longer endure the humiliation of the Archbishop, decided to resign to the Archbishop, became the first European history to get rid of the court of musicians, to make a living in Vienna. After he was nominally a freelance composer, he was still unable to resist the oppression of the feudal society. The suffering of life has had a profound impact on his thoughts and creations, and in Vienna for 10 years, he has been the most important of his creation for 10 years.

July 1782, Mozart created the “harem escaped” in the Vienna Borg Theater premiere.

In 1784, he participated in the Freemasonry, which he preached the freedom, equality, fraternity ideas have a strong resonance, and in this idea inspired the creation of new works.

In 1785, once the collapse of the Vienna Folk Opera House began to recover, Mozart has engaged in opera creation opportunities, created a comedy opera “theater manager”。

In 1786, the creation of opera “Figaro wedding”。

In 1787, Mozart completed the opera “Don Juan”。

In January 1790, Mozart's opera “woman's heart” staged.

In 1791, Mozart created the opera “Tito's kindness” but was unsuccessful. In September, complete the last opera “Magic Flute”。 After Mozart began to create large-scale religious music works “Requiem”, at 5:55 on December 5 “Requiem” has not yet completed Mozart on the bizarre death, at the age of 35, buried in Vienna.












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